How do I use Easy Yield

How can I get yield prediction?

What is Easy Yield?

Easy Yield is WayBeyonds low data yield prediction tool available for Tomato growers in FarmRoad.

Easy Yield is easy to get started with, and doesn't require historical data. Simply start recording the required data and FarmRoad will present you with your predicted harvest next week, and in four weeks.

You will receive your first yield prediction after 4 weeks of starting to record your data.

What is Easy Yield and how can I use it? (video)

How can I start using Easy Yield?

Easy Yield is easy to get started with, using FarmRoads data collection tools.

To use Easy Yield you must collect:

WayBeyond also recommends growers collect:

Data must be collected at minimum once per week to receive weekly Easy Yield Predictions


How do I view my yield predictions in FarmRoad?

Your Easy Yield Predictions can be viewed in the Activity Feed alongside your weekly and total harvest data.

  1. Navigate to Activity Feed
  2. View your Yield Prediction in the Yield Prediction Widget