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How can I view the Inside Climate Prediction forecast for my farm?

Learn more about Inside Climate Prediction, our AI-powered hyper-local climate forecasting solution.


Inside Climate Prediction, powered by AI, is our hyper-local climate forecasting solution, developed in response to growers wanting to better understand future conditions within their growing structures - enabling more effective climate and irrigation management.

Inside Climate Prediction currently supports the following measurements:

  • Temperature (Min, Max, Average)
  • Humidity (Average)
  • VPD (Hourly)
  • Radiation (Hourly)
  • Evapotranspiration (Hourly)
Like the outside forecast, there is both an hourly data presentation (available for Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow), and daily forecast (available for the next 7 days).

Accessing Inside Climate Prediction

  1. Navigate to the Irrigation Forecast Dashboard by clicking on the Irrigation icon in the app menu.
  2. Select the Farm or Sector you wish to view the Inside Prediction for (refer to ‘Views Explained’ to learn more)
  3. Click on Inside (this may not be necessary if you previously selected a Sector)
  4. You will now be shown the predicted Inside Climate conditions for this location.

Views explained

There are two different view modes for Inside Climate Prediction:
  1. Farm overview - this presents an average inside prediction across the farm, averaging the sector (or sensor) specific predictions to give you a quick and easy way of checking on a Farm.
  2. Sector view - this presents the exact prediction for the location where the sensor is installed..

Prerequisites for Inside Climate Prediction

  • You must have at least one Folium installed at the location where you want the Inside Climate.
  • The sensor must have been installed at the same location for at least 4 weeks to have accumulated enough data to train the AI model.

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