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  2. Irrigation & Forecast

How can I get inside climate forecasts at my Farm?

Inside climate forecasts provide a much more accurate view of the conditions your crops will be experiencing in the coming days.

WayBeyond's class leading inside climate forecasting is here, but there are a few things you need to know.

1. Your organisation needs to be on a plan that includes this capability.

2. You need a sensor at any location you wish to have an inside climate forecast for.

Why do I need a FarmRoad sensor to get an inside forecast?

FarmRoad's climate sensor is an integral part of the inside climate forecast solution. In the background, we have an AI model which learns the difference between the inside conditions where the sensor is installed, and the outside conditions. Without having a sensor installed, we cannot train the model to do this translation, so it's critical that you have good sensor coverage to make the most of this fantastic capability.