Using Crop Registration Offline

Crop registration works seamlessly offline so you don't have to worry about losing critical data when your device connection isn't great!

How do I know when the app is offline?

An icon indicating there is no internet connection will display in the top right of the header in the app when there is no internet connection.

Screenshot_20220901-114200_FarmRoad Mobile (1)

Note: Scouting functionality is not available when there is no internet connection.

When do the records I've created offline get saved to FarmRoad?

Any records you create or edit and save are stored locally on your device. Once your device is back online it will upload the records to FarmRoad.

How do I know when my records have been saved successfully?

When your device is back online records will sync automatically. A green cloud icon will appear in the top right of the header in the app when this is successful.

Screenshot_20220901-114123_FarmRoad Mobile (1)

What happens in the case where there are record conflicts?

In the case where two records are created for the same date, the record that is saved last (user clicks the ‘save’ button on the record page) will be the one that is uploaded to FarmRoad. The other will be discarded.

What happens if there are issues getting and/or uploading records?

If there are issues either getting or uploading records a yellow cloud icon will appear in the top right of the header in the app.

If when uploading records if there is an issue on the server side the app will retry to upload records until successful.

In the rare case where a record upload request is invalid the record will be discarded.